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June 11 2023

Summer is Here

So, I've got this wild desire to just spring up out of my chair and run to the ocean just to dip in a toe before running back again, countermanded by the fact that it would be physically impossible for me to do it, not just because of the distance, but also because I'd probably have to use my walker even to attempt the task and currently have tendonitis in my Achilles. It would not greatly surprise me if that added issue is precisely what is giving me that urge, but I digress. Sigh....

Anyway, since I can't go enjoy the world much, I thought it might be fun to bring a few worlds closer to me instead. As such I'll have my worldbuilding companion at just 99 cents from Jun 13-20 2023 so you writers, or even wannabe writers, could go grab one from the deal section below.

But why should you want to? Well, I just created a landing page where you could learn all about that, or maybe even grab a copy of the workbook itself if you don't decide you'd rather build yours from scratch.

How to Worldbuild

As mentioned in both books, the first keys to building a world are your premise and your scenarios. For example,

a premise: young woman gets sucked into a portal to hell and meets a hot demon who agrees to help her get home again.

first scenario: current day Earth, modern house, early morning.

second scenario: demon's kitchen, similar to earth house but carved directly into rock.

third scenario: weird dimensional world rocky cave opens into sunlit old west town...

I pulled that scenario data from my short story, Oh Heck, if you're wondering...

Oh Heck!
oh heck

More about Robin's Books...


Contact Robin Joy Wirth

948 S. Ainsworth Ave. #C
Tacoma, WA 98405

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©2024 Robin Joy Wirth, all rights reserved

Deals and Freebies

Beach has been placed in a Bookfunnel freebie deal

Link to the old sale has been removed...

Here's a chance to grab a free copy of Beach off of bookfunnel if you've been holding out. Got friends who might also want the deal? Please send them through the bookfunnel link so they can sign up for news too. This bf page does require you to enter your email -- I don't have a way to filter that for people who already get news..

Worldbuilding Companion ebook just 99 cents

wb companion

Written as a companion guide for the Worldbuilding Workbook, you can grab this as an ebook, or better yet purchase the paperbacks together for a more hands-on experience. This companion book is meant to be a sort of instruction manual on how you use your workbook, but also contains suggestions on how to use a three ring binder and create a workbook of your own instead.

No longer on sale...

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worldbuilding workbook

Use this low-content book to create characters, settings, internal or external factors that might affect the outcome of your fiction.
Fill the 200 8.5x11in pages with details, or even just doodle in there if you want...
This is your creativity catch-all. Gather up all your story ideas and put them in here. $6.95 plus shipping in the US amazon store.

worldbuilding workbook companion

Written as a companion guide for the Worldbuilding Workbook, you can grab this as an ebook, or better yet purchase the paperbacks together for a more hands-on experience. This companion book is meant to be a sort of instruction manual on how you use your workbook, but also contains suggestions on how to use a three ring binder and create a workbook of your own instead.